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  • Speeding (2 – 5 points, plus possible license suspension)
  • Speeding in an Active Work Zone
  • Speeding in a School Zone (3 points)
  • Driving at Safe Speeds (2 points)

Points Reduced on Your Speeding Ticket - or Your Money Back.

Speeding tickets result in points on your license and could raise your insurance rates.

If you are cited for Speeding or a Speed-Related offense, you only have 10 days to respond to the local District Court to enter a plea. If you “just pay the fine to get it over with” you are pleading guilty and points will by assigned to your license by Penndot. We recommend that you follow the instructions on the citation and enter a plea of “Not Guilty”. You will then be mailed a notice from the Court with the hearing date. At this hearing, you can go to trial where the officer must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were travelling at a speed greater than the limit. Many times, the speed can be negotiated down to a lower speed, or perhaps even a non-moving violation so that the points are reduced, hopefully to zero points so that your license and insurance would not be affected.

There are several methods police use to calculate a motorist’s speed.

  1. Radar
    In Pennsylvania, only the State Police are permitted to use Radar. Local police departments are required to use other means to record a vehicle’s speed. In court, the officer must bring proof that the radar unit was tested for accuracy and certified.
  2. Vascar / Accutrak
    This is the most common means to record a motorist’s speed and is commonly known as a “Speed Trap.” In this method, there are 2 premeasured painted lines on the roadway and the officer times the vehicle from the first line to the second line to calculate the speed. This method is very subjective and is subject to human error.
  3. Enradd
    Enradd is a relatively new speed timing device in Pennsylvania in which the speed is calculated when the vehicle passes through 2 infrared beams across the roadway. The speed is then electronically sent to the police cruiser which is usually sitting nearby.
  4. Pacing
    Pacing occurs when an officer follows a vehicle at the same rate of speed using the patrol vehicle’s speedometer. The vehicle must be filed for at least 3/10 of a mile and the officer must show in court that the vehicle’s speedometer was tested for accuracy.

If you are convicted of Speeding, points will be added to your license based on the speed the officer calculated.

  • 2 points: 6-10 mph over the limit
  • 3 points: 11-15 mph over the limit
  • 4 points: 16-25 mph over limit
  • 5 point major violation: 26+ mph over the limit.

A conviction for 31 mph+ over the limit, you will be required to attend a PennDOT hearing to determine if your license will be suspended for excessive speeding.

Additional Speeding-Related Offenses

Speeding in an Active Work Zone - If convicted of this offense and the speed is greater than 11 mph over the posted limit, there will be a mandatory 15 day license suspension.

If you are cited for Speeding in a Work Zone, do NOT just pay the fine and plead guilty. Doing so can result in points and a possible suspension of your license if you are cited going 11mph or more over the limit. Call the attorneys at Ellis B. Klein & Associates for a free consultation. 99% of the traffic cases we handle result in a substantial reduction.

Work Zone Cameras

In early 2020, Pennsylvania began monitoring speeds in work zones with cameras, similar to "Red-Light cameras." Speeds are timed electronically, photos are taken of the offender's license plate and the vehicle owner will receive a citation in the mail.

If you are cited for speeding in a work zone by a camera and receive a citation in the mail, there is a warning mailed for a first offense. For a second work zone camera violation, the penalty is $75 for a second offense, and $150 for a third or subsequent offense. There are no points associated with a Work Zone Camera citation.

Speeding in a School Zone is a 3 point moving violation and could carry a mandatory 60 day license suspension for a 2nd or subsequent conviction. The speed limit in a school zone is set by law at 15 mph and the school zone must be posted with signs at the beginning and end of the school zone.

Driving a Vehicle at Safe Speeds is a 2 point moving violation. This law is commonly referred to a Driving Too Fast for Conditions. In order to prove this violation, the officer must prove that the motorist did not drive at a “reasonable and prudent” speed under the conditions. It is a subjective standard and is not based on any specific speed.

This citation is typically issued in 3 situations. The most common situation is when a crash occurs from behind and the striking vehicle was unable to stop in time to avoid the crash. The second situation can occur if the officer believes that the vehicle is speeding, but is unable to obtain, or “clock” the actual speed of the vehicle. The third situation would occur during inclement weather such as rain or snow with the officer believing that the vehicle was not being driven in a “reasonable and prudent” manner.

“I ALREADY PAID THE FINE AND WAS FOUND GUILTY”. If you already paid the fine or if you were found guilty in traffic court, you have 30 days to appeal the case to the Court of Common Pleas in the county courthouse. You will then be given a “trial de novo” which means you get a whole new trial as if the traffic court decision never occurred. If the citation carries points, then the points will temporarily be added to your license, and if you are successful in reducing points in the appeal, then Penndot will amend your record after the appeal hearing.

If you are cited with any type of moving violation you should follow the instructions on the ticket and plead Not Guilty as convictions lead to points on your license, increased insurance premiums and possible license suspensions. You only have 10 days to enter a plea of either guilty or not guilty and failure enter a plea within 10 days can lead to an automatic license suspension.

The attorneys at Ellis B. Klein & Associates have a 99% success rate in reducing points on most moving violations. If we are unable to reduce the points on your moving violation then we will refund your fee in full. Call us BEFORE paying the fine.

Speeding Reviews from Former Clients

*Source: Client Reviews

Professional, responsive and results-oriented!

5.0 stars
Posted by Jennifer

I’m so thankful we hired Ellis! I got a speeding ticket (hadn’t been pulled over in about 20 years) and found the process so overwhelming. I reached out to Ellis, and he responded almost immediately. He was very knowledgeable about the process, and made it all so much easier and less stressful. He was successful in getting my violation substantially reduced so I didn’t get any points on my license and had the fine reduced. I’d highly recommend Ellis for any legal needs!

Speeding Ticket Dismissed

5.0 stars
Posted by Jim

Ellis was fantastic to work with. I received a speeding ticket in PA while I was out-of-state and he was able to get it dismissed without me having to go to court. Showing up in court would have been extremely difficult for me to manage - especially during COVID. If I am ever in the unfortunate situation of receiving a speeding ticket in the area again, I will not hesitate to hire him again.

Excellent results for a speeding ticket.

Posted by Mark

Ellis represented me for a speeding ticket and negotiated complete dismissal of all charges. His fee was fair and the service of his office and representation were professional and responsive. I would recommend him for your future legal representation in any regard.

Mr. Klein Saved My License

5.0 stars
Posted by Grace

I would definitely recommend Mr. Klein to anyone needing legal aid. Without his help, I would have lost my license and received 5 points for excessive speeding. Mr. Klein saved me money and stress by providing me with honest information and advice and recommending a safe driver course to aid in reducing my ticket. He knew the cop personally and was able to speak to him and because of the defensive driving course, they came to an agreement of 2 points instead of 5 - saving me from losing my license. I am so grateful for all of his help!!!

Speeding in a School Zone - THE BEST

5.0 stars
Posted by Nikki

I found Ellis through the internet and he had great reviews. I received a traffic ticket for speeding in a school zone, and my son not being restrained in his seat belt in the backseat. Both charges were ridiculous, but would result in 3 points, and an immediate suspension if I ever got caught speeding in a school zone again. I am in a remote position and drive for my job, so this would have possibly put me on probation. I would have fought it myself, but honestly the cop scared me. Ellis was aware of the cop, and didn't sugar coat the situation. When I arrived, he was there to walk me in. Before the trial he spoke with the cop, and somehow managed to have the points removed. The judge was even shocked. Afterwards, he stayed with me, reviewed the paperwork to make sure it was correct and the correct funds were submitted. Ellis is professional, mild mannered and a class act. The cop has a horrible reputation, and it was obvious the respect that the cop had for him. His fee is very reasonable, and didn't seem bothered when I called him a million times(lol). Again, I've heard it used to be easy to just show up yourself and fight tickets. But from the reactions of the people in front of us without a lawyer, things are changing. It's not worth it to go alone. Thank you so much Ellis!

“Great lawyer!”

5.0 stars
Posted by Felix

I received a speeding ticket in my town, going 19 above the limit. As my license IS my job I decided to get a lawyer, found Ellis and let me tell you it was money very well spent. Not only he was very professional and courteous, he got my entire violation dismissed. Hopefully, I will never need his services again but if I will, that will 110% be Ellis Klein. Thank you, sir!!!

“5 points + PENNDOT hearing reduced to zero points!!!”

5.0 stars
Posted by Stephen

Ellis reduced my citation (75mph in a 40mph zone) from five points and a departmental hearing, plus possible license suspension to a zero point, non-moving violation!! He guaranteed a reduction in points or my money back! I couldn't be happier with the outcome!

“Very Happy Client”

5.0 stars
Posted by Brian

Attorney Ellis Klein recently handled my case which involved a serious vehicle moving violation. The speed that I was accused of was very high. I risked 5 points on my insurance as well as a likely driver license suspension for excessive speed. Ellis was able to convince the Judge to reduce my citation to a zero point, non-moving violation that does not get placed on my driving record. Outstanding work! Ellis and his entire team are efficient, professional, and results oriented. I would recommend him highly.

Client Reviews
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